Get $250 OFF setup and configuration fees for Loyal-n-Save! It's like giving your wallet a high-five! Learn More

Deliver Tailored Surprise Rewards To Your Customers

Utilize triggers to target essential moments in a customer's journey, such as their birthday, when they sign up, or risk of disengagement.

Once you set up your rewards, automated messages take full control. Let advanced campaigns manage your customers and their rewards without any hassle on your end.

Customers Can Be Rewarded In Several Ways

  • Tokens

    Redeemable for a dollar amount or for any exclusive item in your swag shop

  • Free Item Coupon

    Set up any item to give away for free

  • Dollar Amount Coupon

    Give customers redeemable cash towards their purchases

  • Percentage Off Coupon

    Let customers take advantage of special discounts.

Start Increasing In-Store Visits With These Incentives

We miss you

Win back lost customers who haven’t interacted with your business after a certain time.


Join in on your customers' special day and give them another reason to celebrate with you.

Store visits

Thank customers for their continued support and reward them for repeat visits.

Sign ups

Express your appreciation to customers for joining your rewards program.

Age Verification (EAIV)

Reward customers for getting age-verified in the Loyal-n-Save app and prompt them on how they can access their exclusive offers for Altria.


Celebrate milestones with your customers with a special anniversary gift.

Engage customers with Push-notifications

Engage & Re-Engage Customers
Effortlessly With Notifications

No more slow days or promotions going unnoticed. Customers can toggle on push notifications or emails so they can take advantage of your deals! (SMS text notifications coming soon)

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